During the operation, the cloudy lens is removed and replaced by a transparent plastic lens. The artificial lens is implanted in the exact place of the previous one.

The implant grows in and can be worn for a lifetime. The infinite durability of these artificial lenses is distinguished from other “spare parts” used in other regions of the human body. Rejection reaction (allergy) is not possible.

A typical artificial lens is composed of one optically active plate (6-10 mm diameter) mounted on two flexible mounts that hold the lens.

There are many models of artificial lenses, differing in shape, size and material, chosen in accordance with medical requirements. If you have specific questions, we will explain exactly what determines the choice of a particular lens.

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After a visit to the doctor and knowing that the surgery can be performed, the surgeon should instruct the patient on how to prepare for surgery.

Here’s what some doctors recommend:

  • Planning a day off from work. Most people need at least one day to be able to return to normal everyday activities.
  • Planning your travel to and from the hospital or clinic on the day of surgery.
  •  Eating a light breakfast or not to eat at all on the day of surgery, depending on the doctor. Basically, patients are asked not to consume alcoholic beverages at least 24 hours before the procedure.


A cataract surgery is performed in the majority of patients (80 percent) under local anesthesia using special eye drops. The eye becomes sufficiently insensitive to pain. Injections around or on the back of the eye are no longer performed, because they were associated with additional risks. General anesthetic may be needed for:

  • People with extreme anxiety that cannot be controlled with simple sedation or counseling.
  • People who are unable to follow instructions during surgery.
  • People who are allergic to certain local anesthetics.
  • People with other medical conditions that require the use of a general anesthetic.
  • Children.

Cataract surgery is done as an outpatient procedure in an operating room, so you don’t have to stay in the hospital. The actual surgery usually lasts less than an hour and after that, you may leave the clinic.


During the operation, you can talk with your doctor, who will keep you informed, and tell you what’s currently happening, what to do, which way you have to look. If you feel any pain, please tell your doctor immediately.

Immediately after local anesthesia eye drops are applied, the doctor will pe’flaprform 2 mm micro cuts. After that, the doctor will use special tweezers to move a “flap” for easy access to the cloudy lens.

It is necessary to remove the cloudy lens of the eye, because it had lost its transparency. At this point, the defected lens will be divided into smaller pieces and suctioned with a probe of an ultrasonic device.

The final phase involves removing the debris of the cloudy lens and clearing the back chamber of the eye. Before the new lens is implanted the gap has to be free of any minor parts of the defected lens.

Lastly, the artificial soft intraoculat lens will be implanted in the cleared hollow. . The lens will shape itself within a few seconds and restore its original shape. The operation is almost done. A few minor punctures will close the micro cuts and the procedure will be complete.


The day after the surgery the surgeon removes the dressing. The patient can normally move, shake his head, bend, without fear that the lens falls out; you can go back to your normal everyday activities. However, just in case, the patient shouldn’t perform any physically challenging activities for about 2 weeks after the surgery. After the surgery is over, you may be brought to a recovery room for a couple of hours before you will be allowed to go home. To avoid the possibility of complications, it is important to adhere to your doctor’s guidelines.